What does co-creation and consulting with our end-users tell us? Many people make products before actually checking out what the people who will use this product want or need. These products don’t necessarily serve the demands they were created for. They can also have user interfaces that don’t suit the customer’s needs. Consequently, they have…
The importance of understanding the context of business operation A sound understanding of the context in which projects such as COALA operate plays an important role throughout their lifespan. Successful business design activities define the commercial direction for the project and the strategy for its arrival on the market. We consider several interrelated factors that…
Economic loss Australian farms are worth more money than ever before. The value of Australian agriculture in 2021-22 is expected to be $81 billion, says the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES). But this good news may not be applicable for all farmers. Farmers in the northern part of New South…
European Union’s Horizon 2020-funded international project, called COALA, produced a suite of crop growth, health and water use information. We compiled this information using high-resolution multispectral images collected from space by the Sentinel-2 satellites. The data we used was collected over irrigated cropping fields in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria during the 2020-2021 summer growing season….
Our blog last week focused on the Australian Space Agency’s roadmap for Earth Observation (EO). We first discussed how Earth observation helps Australia’s economy (even in fields you wouldn’t expect). Then we talked about the priority areas that were identified by the Space Agency. This week we are summarising the five key areas that the…
What are the goals of the Australian Earth Observation from Space roadmap and how it can benefit from international collaborations like the COALA project? Late last year, the Australian Space Agency released its Earth Observation from Space roadmap for 2021-2030. This roadmap highlights that many sectors of the Australian economy and society, ranging from agriculture,…
Being in the right place at the right time matters, the saying goes. And, while the satellites orbiting Earth are hundreds – or sometimes thousands – of kilometres above us, they were positioned perfectly to capture the recent volcanic eruption in Tonga of the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai. The different satellites capturing this eruption…
There are always challenges when working on a new project but throw in international partners and a global pandemic, and you would be right in thinking that such a project would be set up for failure. Fortunately, despite the challenges presented, the committed COALA project team has proved dynamic in their approach and propelled the…
How much should I irrigate? When should I irrigate? These are vital decisions that irrigators need to make daily. Some use scheduling programs. Others manually read soil moisture sensors. Others make decisions based on water district schedules. And yet others rely on models that are supported by Earth Observation (EO) satellites. Remote sensing tools can…
Every year in August Australian National ‘Science Week’ takes place. During National Science Week hundreds of events take place around the country. These events help engage people with science and give scientists a chance to showcase their research. One of our goals in the COALA Project is to support and focus on legacy, which so…
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