

Helping to ‘Yield Prophet’ for Growers across Australia

  • BCG
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Exciting improvements are on the horizon for existing decision support tools in Australia. These improvements will further assist growers with on-farm decision making particularly around water and nutrient management, helping to ‘Yield Prophet for growers across Australia Grain growers across Australia – both dryland and irrigated – sometimes struggle with making informed decisions around how…

From big tape to big data: the Digital Farming Age

  • Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
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Going from big tape to big data with satellites helped us enter the ‘Digital Farming Age’. And now the COALA project benefits from this heritage. The beginning of satellite images of Earth’s land surface The systematic acquisition of satellite images of land surface started in 1972 with the U.S. Landsat program. With this data-stream, it…


A short history of satellites advancing humanity

  • UNSW
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Learning about a short history of satellites enables us to see how far we’ve come in such a small time. 60 years ago we were racing to simply get to space. Now we have started exploring further than our solar system – like Voyager 2 which is currently in interstellar space. The first satellite Forty…


Copernicus: an agricultural helper from space

  • UNSW
  • Blog, Tutorial Students
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How does Copernicus, a program for satellites become an agricultural helper from space, and help us with agriculture here on Earth? In UNSW’s last blog ‘Copernicus: a Sentinel in space teaches us about land and the environment’ we talked about how satellites can help us learn more about processes on the ground, here we will…