Economic loss Australian farms are worth more money than ever before. The value of Australian agriculture in 2021-22 is expected to be $81 billion, says the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES). But this good news may not be applicable for all farmers. Farmers in the northern part of New South…
There are always challenges when working on a new project but throw in international partners and a global pandemic, and you would be right in thinking that such a project would be set up for failure. Fortunately, despite the challenges presented, the committed COALA project team has proved dynamic in their approach and propelled the…
How much should I irrigate? When should I irrigate? These are vital decisions that irrigators need to make daily. Some use scheduling programs. Others manually read soil moisture sensors. Others make decisions based on water district schedules. And yet others rely on models that are supported by Earth Observation (EO) satellites. Remote sensing tools can…
COALA H2020 has shown us many challenges of implementation under COVID and multi-sectoral, international collaborations. WOMEESA is a network of women working in Earth and Environmental Sciences in academia, industry and government. WOMEESA works to promote Earth and Environmental Science research and activities through social networks and the media. COALA H2020 uses Earth Observation technologies…
Remote sensing-based tools help effectively control illegal water uses. Irrigation non-compliance is becoming a more and more serious issue with increased droughts and changing climate. With these techniques, you can locate irrigated areas without concession and excesses of the authorised volume. A Case Study in Spain Because of its scarcity, irrigation water use in La…
The COALA project has been operational since January 2020. Our project uses information provided by satellites (the Sentinels) to help support Australian farmers in the Murray-Darling Basin. One of the ways that we support farmers is through precision irrigation. Precision irrigation is a farm management approach that involves using technology to make informed decisions. The…
Two of the COALA project partners have been working throughout this past 2020 campaign to assist in managing dryland crops. Now, AgriSat and UCLM have generated satellite-derived COALA products to assist in dryland crop management in the Mallee and Wimmera regions of Victoria, Australia. The products have been generated for farms owned by BCG members….
Space technologies are being increasingly utilised in on-farm processes. But how do they really help the field of agriculture? “The farmer of the future will have space technology fully integrated into their everyday production systems and decision making,” said Jennifer Medway, Agrifutures Senior Manager of Rural Futures. “For instance, dashboards will enable farmers to remotely…
Australian farmers are working with new Earth Observation (EO) services. And, we are excited to be working with them. The COALA team is halfway through a three-year project looking at introducing new services to support more sustainable water and nutrients in Australia. We have developed relationships with several innovative Australian farmers to help with product…
Exciting improvements are on the horizon for existing decision support tools in Australia. These improvements will further assist growers with on-farm decision making particularly around water and nutrient management, helping to ‘Yield Prophet for growers across Australia Grain growers across Australia – both dryland and irrigated – sometimes struggle with making informed decisions around how…
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