
The COALA H2020 project: A WOMEESA seminar

  • UNSW
  • Blog
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COALA H2020 has shown us many challenges of implementation under COVID and multi-sectoral, international collaborations. WOMEESA is a network of women working in Earth and Environmental Sciences in academia, industry and government.  WOMEESA works to promote Earth and Environmental Science research and activities through social networks and the media. COALA H2020 uses Earth Observation technologies…


Earth Observation: Remote sensing and systems

  • Carlo De Michele
  • Tutorial Students, Uncategorized
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For almost 150 years people have recognised the advantages of getting a little distance between them and what they are studying. This is a technique we call ‘remote sensing’. “Remote Sensing” means that a measurement is taken remotely, without physical contact. The first people to do remote sensing were balloonists in the 1840s. They floated…

View of northern NSW from Sentinel satelites for COALA blog

Copernicus: a Sentinel in space teaches us about land and the environment

  • UNSW
  • Blog, Tutorial Students
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Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth Observation Programme, looking at our planet and its environment. Data from space satellites can help inform us about processes here on Earth. Have you ever heard the saying ‘It’s hard to see the forest for the trees?’? Sometimes a little distance is what we need. We can learn a…