COALA API Quick Start

This guide offers a quick access to a selection of COALA API request to obtain the COALA products. An example package is prepared as a Postman software collection.

The guide includes the following steps:

  • Download and install Postman API platform (free software)
  • Download the COALA Postman „Collection“ of example queries 
  • Import the collection in Postman
  • Test a simple query and explore the results 

Step 1. Download and Install Postman API Platform

Postman download (external link)

Step 2. Download the COALA Postman collection of example

Step 3. Import the collection in Postman

Import Collection Postman

Step 4. Test a simple API query

After Import, the collection will appear. Double click on the first call „ROI-QuickStart“ (green arrow below).

It will open the parameters windows (yellow arrow below). Click on „Send“ (blue arrow below) and explore the response (red arrow below).


Quickstart API Guide

The response shows the ROI for the user “coala” and the properties of these ROI.

For example, the ROI called “prova” is processing data for the last 30 days (period=30 days) and it is considering only Sentinel-2 (S2) observations with a cloud cover below 30%.

Subsequently, the S2 granules active for this region are listed. The response further show the actual geometry of the ROI.



API Quick Start

The response shows the S2 specific indicators that are active for the ROI. In this cases, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and NDVI.

In addition, NDVI is obtained with a daily temporal resolution considering a period of 90 days. Daily data are the results of an interpolation process.

API Quick Start

Let’s try to query some data for a demo polygon with the following geometry (geoJSON text format):

{ “type”: “MultiPolygon”, “coordinates”: [ [ [ [ 146.036819740052692, -34.371579922914933 ], [ 146.042928273087199, -34.373860991110092 ], [ 146.045358803594723, -34.375037902153309 ], [ 146.046928458682828, -34.377365990743009 ], [ 146.047210835807022, -34.378856952593914 ], [ 146.043918229143344, -34.378913980976535 ], [ 146.043167300844942, -34.379156238728456 ], [ 146.034252707750568, -34.377969639194838 ], [ 146.034222297957001, -34.376273865678044 ], [ 146.036242759803201, -34.374056651420247 ], [ 146.036819740052692, -34.371579922914933 ] ] ] ] }


API Quick Start NDVI

The response shows the S2 specific indicators that are active for the ROI. In this cases, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and NDVI.

In addition, NDVI is obtained with a daily temporal resolution considering a period of 90 days. Daily data are the results of an interpolation process.

API Quick Start